Provider Enrollment

For information on hospital/health system applications, please visit our Hospital Enrollment page.

All other providers, including prescribers and physician practices, must apply for enrollment in the Vaya Health network by submitting a completed Provider Contract Request FormUse this form to: 

  • Request to enroll in the Vaya open network for physical health and/or closed network for behavioral health, including licensed independent practitioners (LIPs) seeking enrollment as an agency or independently (with your own contract not affiliated with an agency)
  • Behavioral health providers only: Request to add a new site
  • Behavioral health providers only: Request to add a new service to an existing contract with Vaya

All providers must be enrolled in NCTracks to be eligible for enrollment in the Vaya provider network.

To request to change a site address or other address in an existing contract with Vaya, submit a completed Provider Change Form.

To request to add a new clinician to an existing agency, submit a completed Enrollment Initiation Form (EIF).

Questions? Contact Vaya’s Provider Enrollment Services Team at 1-855-432-9139 or

Network Eligibility

  • Behavioral health network: Federal law and our contract with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) allow us to limit participation in our closed network for behavioral health, intellectual/ developmental disability (I/DD), and traumatic brain injury (TBI) providers. These providers are eligible for enrollment only when Vaya has identified a specific service need and must be enrolled in NCTracks. Contract renewal and re-enrollment for behavioral health providers are based on provider performance and other factors outlined in the selection and retention criteria in our Provider Operations Manual.
  • Physical health network: Vaya operates an open network for all other willing and qualified provider types, including physical health, pharmacy, Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS), vision, and Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT). Providers must be enrolled in NCTracks.

Letter of Support

The NC Division of Health Service Regulation requires facilities submitting an initial license application to include a Letter of Support from the LME/MCO in the county where the facility will be located. To request a letter in writing from Vaya, submit the completed Letter of Support Request Form.

Out-of-Network Agreements

Out-of-network (OON) providers are not listed in our Provider Directory and are not eligible for referrals. Vaya will not pay for non-emergency services, including hospital inpatient stays, delivered by a provider who does not have a current network provider contract or OON Agreement with Vaya.

To support OON providers and ensure continuity of care for Behavioral Health and I/DD Tailored Plan members, Vaya will pay OON providers at 100% of the in-network rate for the full first year of Vaya Tailored Plan operations. Thereafter, Vaya has the option to pay OON providers at 90% of the in-network rate.

Out-of-Network Enrollment

OON providers must execute an OON Enrollment Packet, which enables access to Vaya’s Provider Portal for efficient submission of authorization requests and claims submission. To request an OON Enrollment Packet, complete the Out-of-Network Enrollment Request Form or email

Member-Specific Out-of-Network Agreements

Vaya enters into member-specific agreements with OON  contracts with out-of-network (OON) providers only if we cannot meet the need for geographically accessible, appropriate, or timely services for a specific member or recipient.  Non-hospital OON providers must execute a Member-Specific OON Agreement if the member or recipient requires the following managed behavioral health services when a network provider is unavailable:

  • NC Innovations Waiver Services
  • Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID)
  • Enhanced Mental Health and Substance Use Services
  • State-Funded (non-Medicaid) Services
  • Services funded under the Transition to Community Living (TCL) program

Member-specific OON Agreements cannot exceed 365 days from the requested effective date. If errors are found on a Member-Specific OON Agreement request post-requestor signature, Vaya will administratively deny the request, and the provider will be required to submit a new request.

Hospitals and health systems with questions about OON Agreements may contact Vaya’s Utilization Management Team at 1-800-893-6246, ext. 1513, or

Need Help?

For information or technical assistance, call Vaya Health’s Provider Support Service Line at
(Monday-Saturday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.).